The order of the Knights of PythiasBenjamin N. Cardozo Lodge #163Fair Lawn, New Jersey MEETINGS AT THE FAIR LAWN SENIOR CENTER
Navigation:Message from the Vice Chancellor's Monthly Report
Vice Chancellor's Monthly Report As we start this new lodge year, I would like to thank the CC, officers, brothers, committee members and the Chancellor Commander for their hard work this past year. With great respect to the Lodge, I look forward to chairing the Executive Board Meetings & overseeing all Committees. Our goals are to inspire brothers to attend and participate in Lodge events and meetings. All your officers and committee chairs have been active putting together a calendar with a schedule including a creative array of programs. We are looking for members to participate on the various committees on behalf of the lodge. Your involvement is critical to a successful Lodge. It is necessary to attract, retain, and reinstate members to this Lodge. I want to make a heartfelt request to all brothers that you share your program ideas and comments (both positive and negative) as to the functioning of the Lodge. As a Lodge , we face many challenges as to membership, programming, and other critical areas. These challenges can be overcome with the hard effort and action of the brothers. Together we can accomplish a large amount of work and have fun. In FCB, |
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